Opportunity Details

Poverty Simulation with The 410 Bridge

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Wednesday, May 15, 2024 | Church of the Nativity - Theatre The 410 Bridge Poverty Simulation is an interactive, immersive experience that will sensitize you to the realities of extreme global poverty, cause you to think differently and change how you engage the poor. During the simulation, everyone will be given different roles to play and a limited budget to work with. You will have to navigate the challenges and obstacles that those living in poverty face on daily basis, such as finding affordable housing, paying for food and healthcare, and dealing with unexpected expenses, as if you are living in a community in Kenya or Guatemala. Sign up at this link, https://www.churchnativity.com/events/#/event/26393
5/15/2024 @ 6:00 PM for 2 hours
Church of the Nativity

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